Covid-19 Shielding Diary
A blow by blow account, Month 7 continues from month 6
Day | Date | Action |
215 | 16/10 | M out to lunch while I got our accounts up to date and sorted a few queries on the PE membership database. Then to Gravesend to retrieve the PE equipment and some grocery shopping on the way home. |
214 | 15/10 | A smooth drive home and then a curry eveing to round off our mini break |
213 | 14/10 | A brighter day and an interesting trip to Sutton Hoo to view the site of Anglo Saxon burial c. 600 AD. Also some interesting fungi and large 7cm caterpillars of the Fox moth. |
212 | 13/10 | Happy Pearl Anniversary, loads of rain but not to be damped made a visit to Lowestoft and a nice lunchat the Pier cafe. Evening dinner at the hotel. |
211 | 12/10 | Anniversary trip day! 3 days in Ipswich at the Marina hotel. |
210 | 11/10 | A quick trip to Marks for bread and a paper on the Fastrack bus, just like the old days but masked. Cleaned out the rubbish bin which had some yucky stuff stuck in the bottom. Received an Amazon delivery of two computer games that I hadn’t ordered so had an interesting online chat firstly with a bot and then with a human I think or a more advanced AI. Anyway the games are now mine but I don’t have a Nintendo Switch nor an X-Box! |
209 | 10/10 | Morning to the Club to continue painting panel 18. Had to finish about 2pm as the rain was making for very unpleasant conditions, Watched the Rugby premiership semifinals, Wasps and Exeter dominating their respective matches. The evening TV entertainment was enlivened by a new Monatalbano on BBC4. |
208 | 9/10 | A grocery shop in the morning followed by a quick car wash. A half lunch and then in the afternoon to Rochester for an afternoon at Quills with M’s sister Val and husband. Good distancing and an excellent tea, especially as Val’s treat for our wedding anniversary! |
207 | 8/10 | In the morning M had her art group meeting by Duo while I did the team info letter for the weekend and updated our accounts. Then to the dentist for an emergency appointment because of a broken tooth. There only seem to be expensive options! In the evening to the club to handover equipment needed for the weekend and for a practice game which was a nice enjoyable change. |
206 | 7/10 | Morning to Bromley to get large format knock out sheets from the PE store, then to Bluewater to shop and then home via ASDA petrol. After lunch to the GRFC club to paint. M worked on the face detail of the reworked panel while I did back grounds on panel 18. Drafted the team info letter for the weekend and sent for review. |
205 | 6/10 | Morning trip to Bluewater, M to meet a friend for coffee, me to Waterstones where I bought Jim Al-Khalili’s new book, The world According to Physics; The Black Swan (The impact of the highly Improbable) by Nassim Nicholas Taleb; Dark Eden by Chris Becket a Sci Fi author I haven’t read before. Potential disaster at lunch when a piece of a molar broke off, seeing dentist on Thursday. In the afternoon to the club for a painting session. |
204 | 5/10 | Caught up on some domestic admin, renewal of the Local Resident Dartcharge Scheme and Ingress Park fees. Then prepared the Track and Trace list for the National Mixed Doubles Event on Sunday. In the evening to the club to draw up panel 18. |
203 | 4/10 | Even wetter today! Firstly to St. Neots RFC where Max and Sam are in a training session. Then to theirs for refreshments followed by the Cote dinner that we had brought with us. Slap up restaurant meal at home. The drive both ways was in unpleasant driving rain but fortunately uneventful. |
202 | 3/10 | Very wet morning, M went shopping and to her mum’s while I worked on tidying up the web site club list so that it agrees with our database! Rain abated in the afternoon and while M did an online WEA course I went to the club to check for any weather damage to the recent mural painting. Some of the lettering had rain damage so went over all the recent letter work and then varnished panels 12-15. Finalised my BunsenLabs by adding a lithium emission spectrum to my wallpaper. |
201 | 2/10 | Worked on the PE database, added a new club and completed the notes for admins on how to add a club. A wild and windy day was combated by a trip to Westgate and a fine lunch at Finbars. An afternoon shop at Ramsgate Waitrose and then home via the Valley Drive PO to despatch a parcel to Virve in Canada. Christmas looms! |
200 | 1/10 | A morning shop then after lunch made a batch of schnitzel. After an early dinner went to the club to draw up a replacement for the panel that failed quality control. Also did the lettering on panels 14,15, and 16. |
199 | 30/9 | Started the autumn tidy of the garden, pruning out spent blackberry and most of the spent raspberry canes. In the afternoon undertook an update of the OS on my main desktop computer from BunsenLabs Helium to Lithium. Successful with only a few tweaks required. All current data and programmes preserved. Put forward a simple barrage KO format for the upcoming Mixed Doubles. |
198 | 29/9 | A morning of cleaning while M took her mum shopping. raised a ticket with Fasthosts over website unavailable. In the afternoon to GRFC to paint back ground on panel 17. In the evening watched the final two episodes of Young Wallender Series 1. |
197 | 28/9 | Improved weather so to the club in the morning to start the background on panel 16. returned in the afternoon to complete panel 16 background while M completed the faces on panel 15. |
196 | 27/9 | Bit of a domestic day, video conf with family and me cooking a very nice rack of lamb. A good opportunity to use herbs from the garden. Weather too windy and cold to carry out planned work on the mural project. Instead I fielded some queries arising from publishing last weekend’s petanque results |
195 | 26/9 | Should have been going to Boston today but a combination of awful weather forecast and Covid-19 restrictions had caused us to cancel. Instead we treated ourselves to a top lunch at the German Gymnasium. Up on the bus and train , good mask observance in evidence evert where. All staff were masked at the restaurant. |
194 | 25/9 | Spent the morning reconstructing the Singles Data for the Men and Women’s event at Gravesend on the 19th. Did double entry and then used the checking sheet to chase down errors. Worked well all now correct. Ladies KO input but the men is bit of a muddle. |
193 | 24/9 | Listened to an interesting ‘In our Times” on cave art. Then worked on our home accounts while M did a Duo U3A art group. In the afternoon took M to the dentist for an extraction and then grocery shopping. Dinner was Mousaka with the last full serving of the beans from this year’s crop. In the evening went to the club to draw and managed to get two panels done, 16 and 17. |
192 | 23/9 | Breakfast cereal with the last of this year’s raspberries and blackberries. M and I to the club to spend the morning completing the Eurocup tean picture, panel 15. Home for a late lunch. Evening, back to the club to supervise the Kent Petanque League Cup and Plate Finals. (Cup winners were Railway Rising R/U Railway Rascals. Plate winners Duke of Wellington R/U Seal). Distanced presentation in the Players Bar and sausage and chips supper went well. |
191 | 22/9 | A morning in with “More or Less” and then carpet cleaning guy did his stuff in the lounge following my clumsy red wine incident! Eagle eyed members spotted errors I had missed in the results published the day before. In the evening to KIMS for M to have a knee consultation. OP expected in 4-6 weeks. |
190 | 21/9 | M off to the hairdresser so I researched a solution for the results input check. The time honoured solution is to enter twice in separate sessions and then compare the data. Found a solution using the sheet functions IF and EXACT. Tested on some old results and worked nicely. Tidied up the previous day’s results and published on the PE website. |
189 | 20/9 | Up early for my day working with Adrian to run the National Doubles event at GRFC. Weather was beautiful warm and sunny but not too hot, ideal for petanque. Not for the first time we struggled to chase down errors in the results input. Must find a better way. The last final wrapped up at 9.00pm which was quite good. |
188 | 19/9 | Checked out the garden after our few days away, all had survived! After shopping and lunch went to the GRFC club to see how the Singles Championship was progressing. Everything going well, took possession of the lights fob. |